Finding my Way to the Kitchen

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Diet Recharge

I have a plan. I have 29 days to work on it. Oh well, maybe 28 days. Note to self: the last update for this plan will be called 28 Days Later!! Anyway, on the 29th day, I will be heading out to Vegas for my bachelorette party. My last "hurrah", my first time in Vegas, Mayweather Fight happening that weekend, lots and lots of partying going on. I need to lose a few pounds and get a little bit toned. I have a goal and I hope I can stick to this plan I have in mind so that I at least drop 5 pounds.

Here's my Diet Recharge plan, which I'm sure my hubby won't be so happy about. Because we all know, if the wife is on a diet, the whole house (apt.) is on a diet.

No pasta!
Dishes have to be either baked, grilled or steamed.
No white rice.
Only one cup of coffee allowed per day.
No soda (for emergency tummy purposes, ginger ale is OK).
Bread - only whole wheat.

Not so bad right?
The only issue I think I would have is the pasta rule. I usually make at least one pasta dish for the week because it is easy to make and will last for two days. Also, because I LOVE Italian food.

Other then that, I think I should be fine.

Anyone want to join in on the diet recharge plan?

One more thing - The 30 day Shred begins today as well!!

Wish me luck!

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