Finding my Way to the Kitchen

Monday, March 29, 2010

Compost Bins

I'm taking a class on how to teach Science and we had some guest speakers talk about garbage and how almost each day New York City throws about 1 billion pounds (don't hold me to that number) of waste each day. At first I was a little bored from what they were saying and I was thinking about my upcoming trip to Vegas but then I heard some interesting facts, such as:

1 - New York is the number one exporter of garbage to other states. Does anyone know how or where our garbage goes to when we put them to the curb on in my case, throw it in the garbage dispenser in the hallway? Well, in case you don't, the garbage men (or women)crush them as much as they can in the garbage truck and drive back to somewhere in the Bronx and I think even in some places in Brooklyn. Once there, the garbage then goes to other states to be thrown out in landfills in Virginia, North Carolina and even Ohio.

2 - The roads the garbage trucks to drive to Bronx to drop off the garbage are horrible and the people living in the surrounding areas have an increase in health issues related to breathing.

3 - If the landfills aren't on ground they are in the ocean and they stay there for many, many, many, many, many years. Anyone want to go for a swim?

4 - My favorite, we can decompose our own garbage!

I won't get into the technicalities but it's pretty cool to decompose your own stuff. By doing so, you obviously help the environment and create soil that does wonders for your gardens, plants, trees.

I want to have my own compost bin one day but my hubby won't allow worms or garbage in the apartment. :( For now, I'll just spread the word.

Useful sites:

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