Finding my Way to the Kitchen

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Facebook Find!

Diet Recharge

I have a plan. I have 29 days to work on it. Oh well, maybe 28 days. Note to self: the last update for this plan will be called 28 Days Later!! Anyway, on the 29th day, I will be heading out to Vegas for my bachelorette party. My last "hurrah", my first time in Vegas, Mayweather Fight happening that weekend, lots and lots of partying going on. I need to lose a few pounds and get a little bit toned. I have a goal and I hope I can stick to this plan I have in mind so that I at least drop 5 pounds.

Here's my Diet Recharge plan, which I'm sure my hubby won't be so happy about. Because we all know, if the wife is on a diet, the whole house (apt.) is on a diet.

No pasta!
Dishes have to be either baked, grilled or steamed.
No white rice.
Only one cup of coffee allowed per day.
No soda (for emergency tummy purposes, ginger ale is OK).
Bread - only whole wheat.

Not so bad right?
The only issue I think I would have is the pasta rule. I usually make at least one pasta dish for the week because it is easy to make and will last for two days. Also, because I LOVE Italian food.

Other then that, I think I should be fine.

Anyone want to join in on the diet recharge plan?

One more thing - The 30 day Shred begins today as well!!

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I am Your Man

Finally, Seal has a good song!

Review Find of the Day

SPA week is coming to NYC in a few weeks and I was checking out some places. One place, Confidence Beauty Salon looked promising but of course, being the diligent researcher that I am, I had to dig into it more. Thank God I did!

This review just says it all; thanks corinaLoveu!!

Do not let them catch you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by corinaLOVEU at Citysearch

Traditionally a spa is committed to providing a calming environment, and beauty, health and relaxation are not compromised. Confidence Spa is not a traditional establishment; it’s a nail salon with a few bland rooms and inexperienced (and probably unlicensed) waxing technicians. Last Friday, I made an appointment for a Brazilian bikini wax at Confidence Spa. I had called a day in advance to ask if anyone other than Lisa would be available for this service. My friends had not enjoyed their experience with Lisa, and I did not want risk having a bad incident just because I was desperate to get rid of my forest. When I arrived 5 minutes late to my appointment, I was informed that Lisa was the only one available. A bit hesitant, I finally gave in and followed Lisa to a room. After I had removed my pants and underwear, Lisa starts inspecting my area. She claimed I let the hair grow too much and would have to trim it. I’ve been waxed many times before by an excellent professional, and I’ve never had my hair trimmed before waxing. Lisa pulled out a pair of dingy scissors from a drawer and started snipping away. I asked if the scissors were sanitized, but never got a clear answer. She pulled out a wooden stick and started mixing the wax, applying huge amounts of lava hot wax to the side of my inner thighs. Placing the paper on the wax, she pulled aggressively. She placed the paper she had just used to remove my hair on my leg while she applied more wax in the same area. She then took the same piece of paper and placed it on the wax and pulled again and again. I asked her why she was using the same paper over again, and she claimed it was normal procedure. She must have used the same piece of paper on my private area over 10 times. I also noticed that instead of discarding the used paper or placing the paper on her work station, she would place the paper next to or on my legs. She applied baby powder, which I didn’t mind until I realized that she was not done removing all my hair. After over ten minutes, she asked me to lift my leg so she could work on my backside. I asked her to give me a minute because I was in so much pain. I lifted my legs, and she applied the wax directly on my butt hole. Yes- you read correctly. At first I thought it was a mistake, but she placed a paper (which was covered in hair from previous uses) in the area. When she was finally done, she followed me to the reception area to try to sell me spa products, but I ignored her and paid the service without leaving a tip. I waddled across the street to Duane Reade and purchased Charmin wet wipes and Neosporin. When I was able to find a bathroom, I removed my pants and realized my panties were stuck to the side of my thigh, and the inside of my underwear was covered in baby powder and pieces of wax. It was disgusting to say the least, and I was in pain for a few days. I had made the appointment using Life Booker, and supposedly users get 50% off services at participating spas. That means that my $20 wax is originally $40, which is difficult to believe considering that the same strip of paper was used repeatedly to remove my hair, and Lisa is obviously not an expert. I wouldn’t even think of getting a manicure and pedicure there, since hygiene does not seem to be a priority at Confidence Spa. Let me tell you , sometimes the cheep prices doesn't always work, and Confidence Spa has cheep prices, but you don't want to go there, because you know the rule YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR !!!!!!!!!.

* Cons: cheep service, cheep prises, bad attitude

Monday, March 29, 2010

Unintentional Joke of the Day

Brought to you by my hubby

Compost Bins

I'm taking a class on how to teach Science and we had some guest speakers talk about garbage and how almost each day New York City throws about 1 billion pounds (don't hold me to that number) of waste each day. At first I was a little bored from what they were saying and I was thinking about my upcoming trip to Vegas but then I heard some interesting facts, such as:

1 - New York is the number one exporter of garbage to other states. Does anyone know how or where our garbage goes to when we put them to the curb on in my case, throw it in the garbage dispenser in the hallway? Well, in case you don't, the garbage men (or women)crush them as much as they can in the garbage truck and drive back to somewhere in the Bronx and I think even in some places in Brooklyn. Once there, the garbage then goes to other states to be thrown out in landfills in Virginia, North Carolina and even Ohio.

2 - The roads the garbage trucks to drive to Bronx to drop off the garbage are horrible and the people living in the surrounding areas have an increase in health issues related to breathing.

3 - If the landfills aren't on ground they are in the ocean and they stay there for many, many, many, many, many years. Anyone want to go for a swim?

4 - My favorite, we can decompose our own garbage!

I won't get into the technicalities but it's pretty cool to decompose your own stuff. By doing so, you obviously help the environment and create soil that does wonders for your gardens, plants, trees.

I want to have my own compost bin one day but my hubby won't allow worms or garbage in the apartment. :( For now, I'll just spread the word.

Useful sites:

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Instant Messaging

I work at a corporate setting where we get to use AIM instant messaging as one way of communicating to each other. People have become too dependent on it. I literally sit across from this woman, who I will call Debbie Downer and I can see that she is writing an IM to me. She will start the IM and then leave it and then go back to it, as if she is choosing her words wisely. Very frustrating - I mean really, you can't just tell me you are going to step outside? You really can't tell me verbally to have a nice weekend! I sit right across from you! And why oh why, does it have to take you 5 minutes to write that IM? I just don't get it.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Restaurant Review - Mandoo Bar

I'm not sure where I'm going with this blog but I know for sure that if I don't mention food, then it won't be a clear reflection of who I am. Anyone who knows me, knows that I LOVE FOOD. I can't help it. I love to cook food and eat, eat, eat. This is tough since I'm getting married in July and need to lose some extra pounds.

Anyway, one particular food that I love are dumplings! I can eat them every day and probably eat a hundred pieces in one sitting. I kid you not. I went to Mandoo Bar with Natasha in K-Town yesterday and as usual, it did not disappoint. Their service was quick and dumplings were freshly made. As soon as you get seated, they give you some kimchee salad and fruits. I never have these items though, because I feel they've been hanging around all day. I usually get the Mandoo combo which is a variety of 16 dumplings that are steamed, vegetarian, pork, and shrimp for 16 bucks! Natasha and I also ordered Pad Thai with the dumplings. I've tried a couple of other dishes at Mandoo and at this point, it is safe to say that the only good thing about Mandoo Bar are the dumplings. Everything else will disappoint. The Pad Thai had just 3 small pieces of shrimp and was way too oil and rigid. I hope first time eaters of Pad Thai don't have their first at Mandoo because they won't realize how good Pad Thai really is!

As I said the service at Mandoo is very quick. You get your food within minutes of ordering. However, they may be too quick. So quick that they basically want to kick you out of the restaurant. Because the place is small, they really want their customers to be in and out. This is not good for me and Natasha since we only get to meet up once a month (if we are lucky) and have lots to talk about. Midway into our conversation, one of the waiters interrupted us and asked if we wanted the check. We looked at our 1/2 bottle of sake and in shock, we said yes. They handed our check immediately! I was kind of annoyed so we didn't leave just yet and made sure we finished our sake. Overall, Mandoo Bar hits the spot if you are looking for some quick, fresh, affordable, yummy dumplings. However, if you are looking for a place to converse and eat at ease, don't go here. I'm officially calling the Mandoo bar the hit and run dumpling spot.
Mandoo Bar
Grade: A- (due to not being able to enjoy your meal in a leisurely pace.)

Fresh Dumplings

The fruit/food they give you as you're seated

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's Always Sunny Stars - Having a Baby!

The stars of one of my favorite shows, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is having a baby!

Officially training for a 5 Mile run,which takes place April 25!

Lost - Bird on a Wire Montage

Monday, March 15, 2010

Quote of the Day - Be Dumber

Working at my job, which I like to call hell, there are times when I wonder what is going on.

Here's a quote from our COO today, after someone complained about having to go to so many meetings.

Barney: try to be a bit dumber moving forward and you won't have these problems

I'll take that into consideration.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Bedazzling Your Vajayjay

Hmmm.. getting married in a few months, maybe I should do this on my list of things to do?

Probably not! Looks like a waste of time and money! The vajayjay itself is already a bedazzler!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Lady Gaga & Beyonce Video

Beyonce should really stick to singing - even Lady Gaga managed to act better than her!!

Wow - First Post!

So much pressure, for a first post. Should I do something deep and philosophical? No, I'll just post the most recent weird thing I found online.

While checking out my local Chinese restaurant's online menu for lunch, I noticed this:

Good food. Not a date spot.

"Joe" asked me out and said he would take me out for some delicious Chinese. I put on a slinky dress that is easy to tear off and my "first date" 4" Candi's stilettos. I approached the block seductively...step by step and lips pouty. As I neared, I saw the sign for Six Happiness, and mused about the meaning of the name. All I can say is, when I got in, there he was - cargo shorts, flip-flops, and tee stretched over his belly. He simply could not wait, and was eating some pork fried rice. I hoped for more romance, but when I saw the rice I could tell it was delicious. I demanded a taste and found my suspicions confirmed. Based on a review below, I ordered the dumplings with peanut sauce. They were a huge disappointment, but my orange beef was delicious. Too bad I spilled in my dress! Grease AIN'T the word that you heard.

Posted by Mariah Hill on 08/11/2009

Six Happiness - New York Restaurant - MenuPages Chinese, Noodle Shops Restaurant Search

Very Nice Mariah!