Finding my Way to the Kitchen

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Friday, April 23, 2010

Think Before You Eat

Ahh the Filet-O-Fish; oh how tasty it is and with the tartar sauce, it's even better!

Well, have you ever thought about what fish McDonald's use?
Ever heard of Yoki? It's a fish from New Zealand and has some crazy looking bug eyes.
Guess what? That's what the Filet-O-Fish is made of! Here's a visual of those crazy looking water creatures:

I'm really disgusted and question fast food now. I mean, obviously general knowledge tells you that fast food is unhealthy but sheesh I didn't know it was this bad.

Next time you want to have a Filet-O-Fish, think again!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Everything is Beautiful!

I'm working towards my Masters in Art of Teaching and I have a presentation due today. It's a group presentation and we are going to presenting a lesson plan on diversity. My group members had me print out the lyrics to Ray Steven's "Everything is Beautiful". I thought the lyrics were kind of cheesy but the video definitely sealed the deal!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Lost Montage

There's been a lot of LOST videos lately since the series finale is coming up. But I got to say, this is my favorite one!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Find of the Day!

OK wow - This motel is officially the grimiest looking motel I have seen. Haven't been there but this site with its soft porn music says it all!!


They specialize in romantic getaways! Looks more like it's an ad for the movie Vacancy!